Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thankful in November, the people that make up my life.... LJ

I guess November really makes us all think about how much we have to be thankful for, last year, I posted on here daily in November what I was thankful for, most people post it on FB, but I tend to be a bit wordy, so I'll do something similar this year. We all know things and people we are thankful for, so this year, I thought I would post about people in my life that God has blessed me with that I am thankful for. I hope I don't leave someone off, but here goes... I didn't post on November 1st, so here is what should have been posted on that day: Today I am thankful for my best friend Lindsey Jo. We all have friends that we have had forever, when we say that we can't remember a time when your weren't friends with this person, well Lindsey and I have that time, haha. We weren't that close until end of 5th grade/beginning of 6th grade. You see, we knew each other, were casual friends at school, but she didn't invite me to a birthday party in the 5th grade, so I will never let her live that down:) Something changed over that summer into 6th grade and we have literally been inseparable since... I can't think of ANYTHING (except the year she was in Kenya that Lindsey hasn't been at, every big moment in my life), and that girl is on my speed dial like you wouldn't believe. We fight like sisters, we laugh all the time, and we analyze lots. Lindsey is the definition of a best friend. There isn't a time when she hasn't been there for me, we literally talk more than most people talk to their kids, haha... I probably talk to her 4-5 times a day, some conversations last a minute, some hours... the best part, she hates to talk on the phone, but this is just a great example of how she is so giving, as she talks and listens because she knows I am a phone person. She knows exactly what to say to calm me down, because we know that I tend to be a bit dramatic at times. She is very wise, and always has an answer from a book... I could basically give her a book to read that I maybe wanted to read, she could read it and give me the cliff notes:) I don't know if I would make it without her as my best friend. There isn't a more loyal, supportive, trustworthy person on the face of this earth. She is the most self-sacrificing person I know. I am not sure how I got this lucky to have her as a best friend, but I am so thankful today and all days. I hope I am half of the friend she is to me to others:) Love you Lindsey Jo!!!

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