Wednesday, April 22, 2009

will i be a night owl forever?

so, this morning i was to get up early and head to spartanburg, sc for a day visit. i told my sc that i would be there around 9:00 or 9:30am, but my alarm went off, and as always, i just couldn't get out of bed. seriously the actual act of getting out of bed, is the worst part of my day. i hate it, haha. if only someone saw my actual routine, it is very entertaining. i hit the snooze button 5-10 times, on any given morning. that snooze button doesn't phase me one bit. i keep hitting it, acting like it hasn't just interrupted my precious sleep. does it matter that the sun is also shinning right in my face most mornings, heck no... i just turn over to the other side and sleep away. so i finally get up around 7:20 am and hop in the shower, once up i am usually fine, but if i allowed myself to crawl back in bed after my shower, i feel 100% certain that i could fall back asleep.

i get in the car, and head down to spartanburg, sc - which is actually not a bad drive at all from charlotte (just about an hour.) i try to make a list of things to do, mainly call people and schedule visits, so i am entertained or busy, so i will not get sleepy. i decided i needed a biscuit, as i will not stop and eat lunch today, because i am leaving early, so i stop at mcdonalds for a plain biscuit and a ice water.... the lady is so not friendly... she hands me my ice water, and i spill it all over me, freezing cold ice water all over the side of me, can we say cold. i just kind of laughed, because i will not let this ruin my day. she says absolutely nothing. she just says, here is another water. talk about stellar customer service.

so now i am in spartanburg, and i am thinking, it would be so nice to take a nap right about now, haha. i'll probably stay up til like 1 am again tonight, and be tired again tomorrow - it is a vicious cycle, my mother says i've been like pretty much since i was a baby, so i'm wondering will i ever learn to go to bed early, and get up earlier?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

overpack much?

so i haven't forgotten about my blog, but with all my madness in march, no pun intended - april has been a slow month, and i have needed that. i am sorry i haven't been writing too much on here, but really not much has been going on, and i like to share funny stories, and really nothing has been that funny. so, last week my friend crystal and i went on vacation to ft. lauderdale for a week of fun in the sun. i had been looking forward to this for many weeks, as the thought of staying in one place for a whole week without rushing around to get to my next flight or site visit was very exciting - relaxing to say the least.

so, i should start by saying that when i travel for business, i by no means over pack. if i am going on a three day trip, i'll wear black pants twice and take two different tops or something of that nature, as i like to condense and minimize what i pack. so, when it comes time to pack for a vacation and take "fun clothes," i tend to go a little overboard. a little might be an understatement for this trip - as crystal will attest, haha. my largest suitcase in my set, as my friends like to call it, is referred to as "the dead body." so, crystal arrives at my house and sees the dead body on my bed, completely full of clothes, i am sure she was thinking i had lost my mind.... i realize i had. i knew that because i had status with us air that i could check as many bags as i wanted, so crystal's bag would be checked under my name and so would mine - i thought that if my bag was over the allowed weight that wouldn't matter either because of "my status" - wrong! so we get to the airport and my bag weighs a whopping 61 pounds - are you kidding me? i am sure crystal wanted to laugh out loud, but she didn't. we put some of my heavy items in her bag, as it only weighed 33 pounds, haha. and off we go!

(note: when natalie, crystal, lindsey, and i went to NYC last year i was a smart girl and took an empty suitcase with just a heavy coat because i knew we would all buy things and would need the extra space to bring the stuff home, but i didn't think about that this time.)

once in ft. lauderdale, crystal and i had a blast. we had gorgeous weather the whole time, we had one day where it rained in the afternoon, so we went shopping - remember i have no room in my suitcase, but do you think that kept kelsey morgan from buying clothes, shoes, and lots of fun things - negative. so, i then decided my next purchase would need to be another bag to carry my extra items in, as i knew i was already over the weight limit... do i have a problem? so we get back to the airport, and guess what, my suitcase is still over the limit... 56 pounds. ahhh. i take a few things out, and put them in the extra bag that i bought and now it has like 30 pounds in it, so the moral of this story is that i packed enough to last for like 3 or 4 weeks - crystal said i packed more than our friend lindsey packed for a year in africa, oops, haha - i like to have options.

i learned my lesson. i will no longer over pack like this. crystal says i've always been like this, but i think this trip taught me a lesson, haha - we shall see.