Thursday, November 10, 2011

my beautiful friend heather

so today i am thankful for my friend heather. i met heather in my small group in raleigh, through my friend candice (who already got her shout out). heather is like an older sister that i didn't have. she is very wise, and always had the best advice. heather has a story that God has used to show her His love, and through that she is able to share life experiences and encourage others (or at least I feel that way). heather was getting married when i first joined the small group, so it was a lot of fun to watch her as a newlywed with aaron (who is such an amazing man of God). heather had a little boy last November, and he is quite possibly one of the cutest little guys, so it has been such a blessing watching her become a mom and how amazing she is with james. i wish that i lived closer and could hang out with them more. heather is also very accommodating, as the first year that i lived in charlotte, i came back to raleigh quite frequently and aaron and heather let me stay all the time. aaron, her husband, always wanted me to sign the guest book, so cute. they always made me feel so welcome and cooked amazing food for me, if i didn't say thank you enough, i really do/did appreciate your hospitality. heather and i do not get to see each other enough, but i am so thankful for the times we do get to hang out when i come to raleigh for fun or for work, for the times we get to catch up on her commute home from work, and for the fact that we have stayed friends since i moved to charlotte. she genuinely cares for me, is a faithful prayer warrior for me, and is so encouraging. thanks heather for being such a great friend to me over the years. love you, my friend.

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