Tuesday, November 22, 2011

kaleena, this post is for you:)

monday's post belongs to kaleena!  sorry this is late, but better late than never.  i met kaleena through candice in my small group in raleigh.  kaleena is such a caring friend; we instantly clicked and have been great friends since.  i've always said and remembered michael w. smith's words from his song "friends,"  friends are friends forever if the Lord's a Lord of them.  if God is in the center of your friendships, they are definitely meaningful:)  not to say others aren't, but you know that God orchestrated you to be friends with this particular person.  this is how i feel about all of my friends in my old small group (heather, ashley, candice, and kaleena.)   there isn't a topic in the world that you could bring up that kaleena doesn't know somtehing about.  it is actually quite entertaining, haha.  kaleena also talks more than me, which is a huge feat, but these are two of the reasons we love her more.  she is a school teacher, and a great one at that.  she calls and prays for me often, which i sincerely appreciate.  today, i am thankful that even though she has a LOT on her plate being a newlywed and so busy in her job that we are still close.  love you girl!

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