Saturday, November 19, 2011

my friend valerie

my work computer crashed, so these posts are a bit behind, because i just got home tonight.  so, bare with me as i catch up:

so, today's post (should be wednesday) belongs to my friend valerie.  we actually met when i was a pharmacy tech at the drug store and she was the pharmacist, she is only about ten years or so older than me, but she is like an older sister to me.  she even wrote my letter of recommendation to pharmacy school (too bad i didn't have the grades to back up her stellar recommendation, haha).  we have stayed friends all throughout the past ten to twelve years, which have been full of so many changes.  she helped encourage me through the difficult chem classes at carolina (she is a UNC grad as well, woohoo), she left the drug store and started working in the hospital/clinic setting, and she had a baby (best story ever).  she was basically told that the chances of her having a baby were slim to none, but God had other plans, and after years of infertility, her and her husband welcomed a baby boy on February 1, 2006... best day ever!!!  i have never been more happy for a couple in my whole life.  we had prayed for that baby more than anything.  davis is the cutest thing, and so smart.  earlier this year, i got to go watch him play basketball, so fun to catch up with val and see her little boy playing with his team:)  thanks for being a great friend val, love you.

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