Saturday, June 23, 2012

day 17: what is the one thing you wish you were good at?

this is a good one!  the one thing that i wish i was good at would be playing sports or just athletic in general.  so, i did gymnastics while growing up and i was actually pretty good at that, but i was always affected by peer pressure.  around 7th grade (so 13 or so), i decided that i wanted to play basketball or softball, because all of my friends were doing it.  i mean, i wanted to do what all the cool kids were doing.  so, my mother said, that is fine, if you want to do something other than gymnastics, but you have to quit that...wait, what?  so, i was dumb enough to stop doing gymnastics and pay money to sit on the bench.  i was so terrible.  i think the basketball coach just put me in because he knew that i had paid money and could probably get into some kind of trouble if i went the entire season with no playing time.  nicole, my cousin, claims i went the wrong way on the court one time, but i am not sure of that.  in softball, i was an outfielder and that was lame.  needless to say, that was short lived, and i haven't really played any other sports. 

another funny story relating to this was after college, my friends in raleigh (bayley, michele, and holly) all played on this kickball league and i remember when they were trying to get their team together one year.  someone was like, well we need more girls, and i was like, well i try and play.  i will never forget it, but bayley looked at me and said, "kelsey, we'd actually like to try and win."  i know she was somewhat joking, but actually probably not.  so, i was like the "soccer mom" or in this case, kickball mom and brought orange slices to all the players after each game.

i just wish i had some ability to play and that people wanted me on their team, but now that i am a little order, i am like, well i made it through those years and i am fine:)

maybe my kids will have this ability, hopefully they will get it from my future husband and not their mother or they are screwed, haha.

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