Friday, June 1, 2012

day 11: describe ten pet peeves I have...

i am so off on the days, but just go with it...  describe ten pet peeves that i have, sorry if you do these:)

1. people who snore or make any kind of noise when they sleep for that matter, other than a light breathing sound (i like for people to live)... 99% of the time i need a sound machine to drown out sounds and i should start praying now that my future husband does not snore, because i will never sleep, that sound is like nails on a chalkboard to me

2. people who do not take care of other people's stuff

3. people who drop the "f" word, it really is not ever needed and women who say it, it is not becoming or attractive if you ask me, but ask a guy

4. people who have to always be the center of attention, enough said

5. couples who sit on the same side of the booth, seriously, that is just flat out ridiculous

6. people who smoke where it clearly says, NO SMOKING or they walk two inches outside of the no smoking area and blow smoke right in your face, happens to me all the time at the charlotte airport

7. people talking during a movie in the theater, seriously be quiet

8. people who let their dogs jump on everyone, teach them that is a bad habit

9. when the toliet paper roll is backwards

10.  people who don't respond to email/text/phone or that don't rsvp... does it really take that much time?

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