Tuesday, June 12, 2012

day 16: 5 greatest accomplishments

i can do this a little better than the animal topic, here we go....

1. being the first person in my family to graduate from college... this was huge for me.  early on i decided or maybe i should say had a drive to succeed and new that i would stop at nothing until i did just what i put my mind too.  i wanted to go to UNC and graduate from there, so that is just what i did.. the day i graduated from college was such a special day and all of my family came, i have never felt more loved and special:)

2. getting into Carolina.  for this planner, i ONLY applied to UNC (early decision), so i really had no back up plan.  i had looked into a few other places, but my heart was set on UNC.  when i got the acceptance letter, seriously best day of senior year:)

3. may sound silly, but a major accomplishment in my life was the day i faced my fear of dogs... i wanted a nanny job for this family that was going to pay pretty well for a broke college student, so i went to meet their two little toy poodles (i was 19 and deathly afraid) and i had never done this for anyone or anything... 2002 was a big year, my parents finally got to get their own dog that they had always wanted:)

4. getting my recent promotion at work in Site Management.  i have worked so hard the past six years at my company, so being recognized and getting this promotion was so great.  God had a plan all along, and i am so thankful for this HUGE opportunity!

5. check back, still thinking on this one...

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