Friday, June 1, 2012

day 12: a typical day in my life

well, i am going to back up a few weeks, because i just started a new job, and this slower pace of training is so different than my fast paced job i am so used to, and i don't want to bore the few of you still reading, so i'll tell you what a typical day used to look like and what one may look like after i get through the six weeks of onboarding/training:)

wake up around 6:30/7ish with barely enough time to get ready, set my alarm with all intentions to get up and exercise and do quiet time, not happening.  let's face it, i am not a morning person, never have been, never will be.  jump in the shower, and get ready in the amount of time i have left... if i am super rushed, it will be a curly hair day, if not, i take the ever so long process and time of straightening my hair.  it is longer than it has been in years, so it takes me at least 45 minutes to dry it and straighten it, but i am thankful to have it, so i will not complain:)  usually i do not have time to eat or put on make up at the house, so that is done in the car.  i fix my bagel thin, strawberry shake, and coffee and take that on the road... also i put my make up on in the car, i know it is a horrible habit, but i usually have at least a 30 minute commute if not an hour to an hour and a half drive to my sites:)  i will pray, sing, talk on the phone, you name it on the commutes, my time in the car is great!

i arrive onsite as close to on time as possible, usually with starbucks in hand, yes another coffee, haha.  now i am ready to go!  i monitor medical records comparing it to source data from the subjects who have been enrolled into a clinical trial, i return study drug to the depot/drug warehouse, i look at regulatory documents (this is what the government monitors to make sure sites are legit and following guidelines, serious stuff), i always take a lunch break, and then i hop back in the car and drive back.  i usually  have a gym bag in the car, and head straight to the gym or else i will have no motivation, so i may go to cardio strength or total strength, love these classes.  afterwards, i am usually too tired to cook, so i may head to which which (i think they know i am addicted), then head home eat my dinner!  at this point it is usually 8:15 or 8:30 pm.  i will watch mindless television, work on reports, clean my house a little, do my quiet time (that i didn't do this morning) or just relax until about midnight and then head to bed.  i set goals to go to bed earlier, it never happens, i wish!  then i get up and do it all over again... i love my life, my friends, my schedule, my job and all that God has blessed me with.  i don't like not being busy, so i enjoy my days that are full to the brim!


Nicole said...

My cousin asked me who you work for! Who is it? I swear I think y'all do the same thing! :) Have you ever worked in the Raleigh area?

Kelsey said...

I have worked in the Raleigh area, for three years after I graduated college. The name of my company is Quintiles. There are also others (my college roommates work at PRA), but our biggest competitor is PPD. Does he or she work for a Clinical Research Organization... perhaps ICON or INC Research or Biogen? Kendle? Haha, I am running out of ones after that.