Tuesday, June 5, 2012

day 13: describe 5 weaknesses that you have

sometimes it is easier to be hard on yourself than you realize.  i have recently gone through the interview process at my job, so i've had to think about this a little.

1. i am a bit sensitive - my feelings can get hurt pretty easily and cry at almost every movie, but i'd like to think this is not always a weakness:)  i wear my heart on my sleeve, but as i have gotten older, i have learned to control this maybe just a little better.  i have learned that you have to protect your heart:) 

2. i am a planner/not very spontaneous - my friends from home jokingly call me "sarge in charge."  there is a group of nine of us girls and if i didn't plan things, we would never get together.  i am okay with the fact that i am this way, but there are times, when i wish i was a little more spontaneous.  i always want to know the plan, where we are going, when we are going, how we are getting there, etc. 

3. i am a neat freak, slightly obsessive compulsive... when i moved into my townhouse, we were putting the cups in the cabinet (organized by color) and my brother made a comment that i needed to get all the same color to help my future husband so he can't get it wrong, i laughed and thought he may be onto something, because all the cups have to match when putting them in the cabinet:)  i have tried to get better, but living by myself for the last four years hasn't helped this situation, haha.

4. i am a night owl and totally procrastinate... working from home, i always think, i can do that later and tonight... this is definitely a weakness of mine.  i need to be more disciplined in my day to day work life.... end of story.

5. i can be a bit dramatic.. not like i like drama, but i think things are a matter of life and death or a good example... a few weeks ago, i went horseback riding with my parents, and the horse i was riding was C-razy:) she kept venturing off of the trail/path and eating small trees (plants) and i kept having to pull her and guide her back, also she ran me into a tree at one point, through a very steep decline and i tore my shirt, i was cussing and terrified i was going to die and afterwards, i kept telling friends and my parents that i survived, but i nearly died... now, i didn't really die, i had a small whole (about the size of a quarter/nickel) in my shirt, and that is about all... but that isn't the story i like to tell.  i will say my dramatic side provides lots of humor.

6. i thought i wouldn't delete anything i already posted, but one of my biggest weaknesses is shopping for clothes, jewelry, and shoes.  i need not elaborate, but to say that at times it is simply out of control, but i will say that 80% of the time, i have a coupon, gift certificate, it is on sale, or something of the nature... so i rarely by something full price.  on another note, i rarely by electronics and toys of this nature... it is just on clothes, but don't let that fool you, because they can get expensive, it all adds up:)  oh and i shop for home stuff a lot too, oops.  what do i think this is true confessions?

i am sure there are others, but these are the ones that popped in my head today:)

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