Sunday, September 7, 2008

a low key weekend is just what i needed

so, i got home from philadelphia on thursday evening to find my dad in a bad way - he hurt his back, so i played nurse for a few days, with the help of my mother and sister. everyone please pray that he can get back to work soon. hopefully he'll be back to normal in no time, as in, time for me to move, haha! such a loving daughter, i know.

friday night i met up with my friend valerie at bbq-king. we had such a good time catching up, as her little boy davis is starting to carry on normal conversation, and warming up to me. he has always been mostly shy around me because i haven't been around a lot. hopefully now that i'll be living closer to home, we will get to hang out more often and he will become more comfortable around me.

saturday, i convinced my sister to ride with me to value city furniture in charlotte to look for a queen bed for my guest bedroom. we found a few i liked, but i didn't decide on one yet. i then took her by my townhouse - which is almost ready. i cannot wait, seriously, how much longer can it be??? the hardwood floors are down - they look great. another thing we noticed is that my security system has been installed - this will be the most important part of my new house, as i will be living by myself. as many of you know, i get nervous that someone will get me in my sleep. at least i can fall asleep knowing that an alarm will go off - but my dad pointed out that i probably wouldn't here it due to my sound machine or as crystal calls it, "the round of applause."

today, i'm relaxed and have done as little as possible. i spent the afternoon with the family. i rode with crystal to gastonia to take dusty something and then we went to texas roadhouse - that place never gets old.... seriously, it doesn't.

alright, well i know this blog wasn't very action packed, but i thought i'd update it every couple of days. i'll be off to richmond and virgnia beach this week!!!

i hope everyone has a great week:)

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