Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"i'll call corporate on you!"

anyone who knows me well enough, wouldn't be surprised to learn that today i wanted to call "corporate" on someone. my builder for my townhouse is full of crap. he takes absolutely no responsibility for things that he does wrong. if i can take constructive criticism, anyone should be able to. today, the private inspector went out to my townhouse to conduct his inspection, and even though the builder promised to have it completed, it was no where near ready. as in... no appliances were hooked up, the floors were still covered, the fireplace wasn't working, the air conditioner wasn't hooked up, and the painters were still there finishing up. the best part is that the builder blamed it on me... that is a new one on me, because last time i checked, i didn't go to school to be in construction management - much less building a house. you know, if i get into my townhouse on september 23, it will be by the grace of God alone. please pray!

in the way of an update: my dad is feeling much better. i wouldn't say he is back 100%, but he is doing more and can actually move around like normal now. thank goodness.

i traveled to virginia today for work - that wake up call at 4:31 is for the birds. i mean, as my alarm clock went off this morning, i thought who in their right mind, would get up this early... i could have just taken a shower in the dark, because it was nearly impossible to keep my eyes open. i have a coworker at my visit today - and that was no fun. he paced the floors and interrupted me, so i will not be volunteering for people to come with me in the future. this was after he didn't print directions to the starbucks where we were meeting, so i had to go pick him up and take him to starbucks. he even interrupted me to inform us that he was going to the bathroom to get a tissue - who does that??? ah the joys of bringing someone along on my visits - this fun will continue!

i wish the weekend could get here a little sooner this week.

happy birthday to my brother Jamie (yesterday) and to one of my 2nd mommas - Edie Carpenter (tomorrow)! have a great rest of the week!

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