Saturday, September 15, 2012

family dynamics:: now and then

so, the next day/blog says, describe your family dynamics of your childhood and your family dynamics now... this could take a little while, but i will give it a whirl:)

my biological parents were married the first six years of my life, and we lived in florida til i was 3.5 i believe and then moved to lincolnton (my parents were from here).  i have a few, very few, memories of this part of my life, but the dynamic between my biological parents that i remember was not all that great.  after they split, i know my grandparents had to step in and help quite a bit, as my mother was  basically a single mom for a while.  we did have to go to steve's house for visits, but i remember not wanting to go, nor moma wanting us to go.  at seven, my biological father passed away and enter my step-dad, who is my dad, but i call him roger or rog.  i guess, at seven it was a little too late to start calling someone else daddy.  rog enters the scene and basically became the boss, and i didn't like it one bit.  he told kendall and i want to do, and didn't let us rule the house anymore. 

the dynamics between my extended family were great! my grandmother, who could be the star of my blog with the amount of times i mention her, was like the glue that held us together.  she loved so much and it was contagious.  she cooked and spoiled each and everyone of her grandkids.  i cannot remember a time when i didn't want to go to her house.  mom and pops was the best!  all in our family got along, we celebrated every holiday and birthday there. 

family dynamics have changed a bit.  my grandmother has passed away, which has changed things a bit.  we have all gotten older and people are busy.  we celebrate holidays at my parent's house, which is not the house i grew up in, but it is spacious and nice!  some have married and divorced, so we have new family members.  we try to get together as much as possible. 

within my own family, jamie and jennifer are together, chris and lisa are married, and kendall and kevin are married.... our family has grown.  family get togethers are different.  even christmas morning is different, but that is what happens when you get older.  kendall and kevin are about to have a baby, so that is going to change things even more.  i am excited to be an aunt. 

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