Monday, February 25, 2013

Weight Watchers:: Week 5

I'm saying today's weigh in was by the grace of God, truly, that I lost and did not gain.  I lost a pound, not sure how at all... I decided with my friends coming into town this weekend, that I wasn't counting points.  I also got pretty sick last Wednesday and had to go to urgent care and get a few shots, so that day once I started feeling better, I treated myself to Bojangles:)  I am 100% and committed again, and I had a salad last night for dinner, so we are good now.  Only have seven more weeks of my initial committment and swimsuit time is right around the corner.  My stomach is definitely not where I want it, but I am a continual work in progress in many areas of my life, so I will still work at it and not give up:)  Quick fit was brutal this morning and tonight I will do pilates before the girls and I get together for the Bachelor.

Happy Monday!!!

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