Monday, March 4, 2013

Weight Watchers Week 6

So, again I say that I have the exercising thing down and I am doing okay with the keeping track of my points, but eating out is difficult and I do that a lot.  I lost a whopping 0.6 pounds this week, but you know a loss is loss, so I am going with it:)

So far I have lost 9.6 pounds, so that means I have lost 5.8% of my body weight so far.  I just did a killer spin class and the guy beside us said that he burned 820 calories, if only I burned that many, but at least I probably burned 500-600, it was INTENSE.  on to watch the bachelor with the girls to end this monday and hoping for a big weight loss next week, still committed:)

1 comment:

KelseyMoore said...

good job woman! a loss is still a loss!! and after your girls weekend, I say that i would take this week with a smile on my face! ha ha! good job!