Friday, December 31, 2010

we won't say these are new year's resolutions, just 29 things to do in 2011

so, last year i made a list of 28 things to do, some were goals/resolutions, because i was turning 28, this year, i'll try 29 things... after all, you only get one life and i think that God has blessed me beyond belief.  i want to be the best version of myself.  a few things have made it back on the list, as i didn't  cross them off of my list from last year (anyone who knows me knows that i am list person and that is a "no, no" for me, haha), so here's to 2011 and all the fun and growing i hope to do:

let's just get to the things that were carried over from 2010:

1. This is probably the most important one to me in 2011.  I want to trust God and go where HE leads and go on a mission trip.  I attempted this is 2010, but the trip was canceled.  I have tried to not let this be completely discouraging, so I pray that God will provide an opportunity where He wants me to be, the passport is ready:)

2. Still working on this bedtime thing... I will go to bed earlier.  My normal bedtime is 1:00 AM or later, so my goal is to get in bed by 11:00 PM each night.

3. I will get up and do my quiet time in the morning, instead of doing it at night.

4. Running made it to the list last year ( I did learn that I will never be a sprinter), but this year my goal is to actually complete a 5K.  My goal is to complete one in the cooler months, as I hate to be extremely hot, hehe.  [ I do think I am going to need someone to run this with me to hold me accountable. ]

5. Sewing thing, needs improvement.  I need lessons, maybe I will take a class.  Seriously, I want to get better at this, it means so much to me because my grandmother was so good good.  The dress I wanted to make last year didn't happen, so maybe this year.

6. Make turkey and dressing this year.  We will see who will let me be this adventrous, hehe.

New this year:

7. Since I tried a new food every month last year, this year I will cook something new every month.  If I can try a new food still, that would be awesome.  I am sure after seeing the new foods list, you know there are many foods out there I still haven't tried.

8. To go zip lining with my family.  I am somewhat cheating on this one, as my brother Chris and I got this for him for Christmas:)  I cannot wait though, it is going to be so much fun.  I will also go with my friends, as we had talked about this, and it is so much, so why not?

9. Complete the Crown Financial Class, as I want to make smarter financial choices.

10. Create a collage of old pictures of my great grandparents, grandparents, and parents in my stairwell.  I am very excited about this project, as my Momaw and Popaw Abby (great grandparents) , my Momaw Saine (great grandmother), and Mom (my grandmother) meant so much to me.

11. Give blood as many times as I can in 2011.  As many of you know, my grandfather was diagnosed with a type of lymphoma this year and had to have several blood transfusions.  I only gave blood like once in 2010, and it is really such a simple thing I can do to help so many who need it.  It really could save someone's life... if helped my grandfather!!!

12. Read a book a month.  To most of you, you are probably thinking that is nothing, but I am really not a big fan of reading.... I am just a slow reader.  January = the me I want to be, February = Mark of the Lion Series, then I'll see how I am doing, hehe

13. Work resolution:  I am going to try EXTREMELY hard to do my reports ahead of time and not on the last day, no more procrastinating.  I think this will be huge for my work/life balance and going to bed earlier.

14. Challenge myself to not eat out for a whole week, not one time.  Also, to most, this probably wouldn't be hard, but for a girl who doesn't like cooking and doesn't think much of eating out every day (especially because I am out of town most days for my job), this will not be easy.  If I get good, I'll try to do this once a month.

15. Only allow myself two starbucks a week.  It will help me save money too.

16. Be a little more confident when it comes to guys, I am sure all of my good friends are laughing at this one, as we all know this has never been something I have been good at... maybe we can all pray together on this one or maybe it will provide more funny stories.

17. Watch an old movie that I haven't ever seen before (1 a month ) there is a list so long it isn't even funny::  Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, Big, Sixteen Candles, Star Wars, Iron Man, etc

18. Lose 10 more pounds, don't worry this is a personal goal and if I don't, I won't lose any sleep over it, but I do want to lose these 10 pounds to be at an ideal weight for my height.

19. Try a yoga class, probably going to stay away from a hot yoga class, haha.

20. Try five new restaurants this year.  Should make it more, but we will start with five.

21. Get up two days a week, possibly Wednesday and Thursday, and workout before work.  Maybe I could do another boot camp:)  It was great discipline and got me out of bed.

22. Go to the mountains, enjoy a hike, and take in God's beauty.  Prefer to do this with friends:)  Let's plan a trip.

23. Make my bed each day, sounds silly for someone who keeps her house extremely clean, I mean, I am OCD about the cleanliness of my house, but this is the one thing that I do not do, haha.  So, when I get up, I will make my bed daily:)

24. Start reading the Bible all the way through, I'm staring Jan. 1.  I'm going at my own pace and excited to learn more and grow.

25. Spend quality time with grandfather.  He is the only grandparent that I have left.

26. Visit a new city, preferably for fun, not for work:)

27. I haven't scrapbooked much in 2010, get back to it, I really enjoy it.

28. Be more spontaneous/maybe we will go with adventurous... just go with the flow.  I can be creative with this one, I'll blog about my adventures in 2011.

29. Simple:  Be more thankful, you only get one life and I shouldn't spend my life dwelling on what I do not have, but thanking God for all the blessings in my life.


The O'Neill Family said...

what's 29?

Kelsey said...

haha, i just realized that i forgot 29, so i added in one more:) i hope you guys are doing well.

Kelly Schwartz Superak said...

Love this Kelsey- by sharing you hold yourself accountable! Wish I were there teaching some early mornings I could drag you to....Good Luck!

Malia said...

I am your mother, so I am allowed to post this comment: you misspelled "won't" in the title!
I love #12 & #23
Love you Baby

Kelsey said...

kelly - not going to lie, you challenged me more than any other instructor ever has, "kind of" miss it, haha... no really i looked forward to wednesdays knowing i was going to get a great workout.

mom, thanks for correcting me, can't believe i did that, hehe.