Friday, April 13, 2012

God's plan:: New Job

so, hardly anyone understands what i do in my job, it is kind of funny to hear my family and friends try to explain it, but for my really close friends, i think they have picked up on the general idea.  basically, i am a monitor for clinical drug trials, so i travel to doctor's offices and hospitals and monitor the data of the patients/subjects participating in the clinical trials.  i arrive onsite and spend 70% of my time looking at medical records and source.  i read all about symptoms/side effects (if you will) that the subject may be having while taking an investigational drug (not yet approved by the fda - food and drug administration).  the other portion of time is spent returning the drug to the warehouse or depot and also reviewing regulatory documents, lots of those involved in clinical trials.  another part of my job is developing relationships with the sites, as you want to have a good working/professional relationship with them so they will do things you are asking them to do, you are like a team.  basically i am going to the site and correcting their work, so it is imperative that i build strong relationships with them!  you want them to correct the findings and to like you to a certain extent.  when i first began traveling, i traveled about 80% of the time.  i would leave on sunday, come back on thursday.  it was tough.  i enjoyed it though, as i got to see a lot of places i hadn't ever been to before.  the last two years, i have been so blessed to be more local.  why am i writing all of this, well, i am getting there:)  my mom tells me it takes too long to get to the point, hehe.

i've been due for a promotion at work for over a year now.  my company went through some restructuring and reclassication, and basically the position i should have been promoted to was depleted.  talk about perfect timing.  i have been extremely patient and just waited, and honestly hoped that they would go back to the old system, but that has not happened.  i have been searching, praying, and looking for an opportunity outside of clinical to be promoted, but it was important that it be a position i would actually enjoy.  a position opened up in february, as the site relationship manager, and i immediately knew this job would be perfect fo rme.  i applied, and thought i lacked the exact qualifications they are looking for, but knew that whatever was in God's will would happen.  i actually got a phone screening, and it went really well.  the guy i intereviewed with, immediately said he was impressed and offered me a face to face, woohoo.  onto step 2, i went.  i had to create a powerpoint, talk about stress, but i did it and got nothing but compliments on my work.  seriously, my face to face could not have gone any better.  i left the interview feeling very confident, and i know that God calmed my nerves and it definitely helped that the guy interviewing me was laid back.  i made it to the 3rd step, and that was another phone interview, and that lady flat out said, you should get the job.  about two or three days later, i received a call telling me that unfortunately it had come down to me and one other person, an external candidate and i was not going to be offered the job.  i was DEVASTATED.  he said that i did everything right.  he had absolutely no constructive criticism, as i said all the right things, i did a great job in my interview, i had everything they were looknig for, but the one thing i did lack was management experience.  at the very end of this very difficult call, he said, i am hopeful; however, that we will have another SSRM position at the beginning of 2nd quarter, that i will definitely keep you in mind for.  i wanted to be hopeful, but a large part of me didn't put much hope in that.

you see, after i got this very disappointing phone call, i spent that entire weekend praying and talking to God.  i was so upset.  i realized that my job had become a little bit of an idol in my life.  i looked to my job for some kind of fulfilment, and it was like my job and success in it was something that i could actually control.  i have always been such a hardworker, so i think someone stepping on my confidence at work, just rocked my world.  i just didn't understand why God would have me get so close and then not get it.  that following monday, when i went back to work, i had to snap out of it and realize how blessed and thankful i am for my job.

would you believe (just God being amazing, as always) the monday after first quarter, i got an email from the associate director in atlanta telling me that a new SSRM position was going to be posted that afternoon and that she has been forwarded my resume from the guy i interviewed with in february!!!  i interviewed three fridays ago, and last friday, i was offered the job.  now, let me tell you how GOOD God is.  this job is perfect, as it is closer to my house.  I will no longer have to fly (at all), I will not have to stay in a hotel (again), I will have all site visits in Charlotte and South Carolina, not Raleigh (like the first position)... He knew what he was doing all along. 

I am so excited and so thankful that my God had a plan all along.  I am so thankful for all the people in my life who helped me get to where I am today.

my friend casey sent me this verse when i didn't get the job, and i wrote it on a card and it is still a great reminder daily, but the past few days, it has been such a sweet reminder of God's love... "but the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations."  Psalm 33:11

my friend holly sent me another encouraging verse, and it too has been sitting at the bottom of my mirror::  "but as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."  2 Chronicles 15:7

I start in my new role on May 7th!


Nicole said...

Congratulations! How perfect! I know exactly what you mean. Same thing happened to me- wasn't offered a job I was told I should have, but I tried not to take it personally & have faith that God knows what He is doing. Something even MORE perfect is waiting for me, so I am pretty excited about that!! As as for your job description... that is SO funny because we are always saying that we don't really know what my cousin does for a living...and so I asked him, and he described exactly what you did!! He lives in Raleigh. That's too crazy!

Kelsey said...

Thanks Nicole. Does he work in Clinical Research? It is so true though and this whole experience has been a great reminder that HE really does know what is best and sometimes we may have to go through a difficult situation, a bump in the road, or whatever, but ultimately, God knows what HE is doing. God is so good:) I will be praying that your something more perfect that God has in mind for you will come.

The Sinclairs said...

How awesome! I just love to hear stories like this. Thanks for sharing.