Saturday, November 22, 2008

the theme is cold

so, i just home today after being gone all week. i've been in chicago since thursday. the wind chill was in the single digits most days, can we say freezing. i love it, but i won't lie... it was very very cold.

i almost missed my flight on thursday, as i have been so disoriented from all my travels to the different time zones this week. luckily, i'd like to say, by the grace of god, i woke up on thursday at 5:37 for a 7:30 AM flight. i made it to the airport, and got to chicago in enough time to take a shower and make it to my meeting.

we were in meetings half a day on thursday and then all day on friday. last night i went out with two of my study coordinators in downtown chicago, they do not allow smoking inside at the two bars we went to, it was wonderful. my clothes did smell like smoke this morning. i don't know if all bars are like that in chicago, but these two were, it was wonderful. we had so much fun, i was home by 12ish and enjoyed hanging out with them.

the food at the investigator's meeting wasn't too bad. it is always interesting for this picky eater to go to these type of meetings though because the meals are buffet style, but it is typically a lot of items that i have never heard of or would never it. they do not typically have items like, chicken pamasean, fillet mignion, or lasagna. they have very strange names for things. for example, last night they had, what i would call macaroni and cheese, but they called it, "penne pasta and white cheddar." i managed to eat enough, but had to rely on the safe options and not the sushi type items they had. they also had some sort of flank steak, but it was so pink, i couldn't barely put it on my plate.

i'm glad to be home for a few days, i have one visit next week to fargo, north dakota and then i'll be home free for thanksgiving. i'll be excited about that!

hope everyone is doing well and has a great thanksgiving.

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