Tuesday, September 17, 2013

social media fast experience

so last week my friend jess and i took a week away from social media, what did i learn from this experience... allow me to share:)

i learned....

- while i felt a little out of the loop, for the most part, it was freeing to not compare my life to everyone else's external "happy social media life"
- i have become entirely too dependent on checking all forms of social media in my free time (whether that is a teleconference at work, at a red light, while waiting on a friend for dinner, while watching tv, etc)
- i need to be more intentional/purposeful with my time
- you have a lot more time when you are not spending your free time "keeping up with the Jones"
- a week of not seeing a post about a pregnancy/engagement was nice (sorry, just speaking the truth)
- the first thing and last thing i do before i wake up or go to bed, should not be check my phone, it should be to get on my knees and thank God for another day
- a few people actually missed my random posts and updates on what was going on in my life, but i mostly missed posting pictures (i had some fantastic pics of Jason Aldean from the concert)

every time i wanted to jump on FB or instagram, i had to think about why i was doing it.  i thought about what God was trying to teach me, and i must say i am glad i did it.  i know i need to be on them less.  i know i need to stop comparing myself to others.  i know that it steals my joy and takes up entirely too much of my time.  one of my good friends, bayley (bay) called and offered to let me call her every time i wanted to check it, ha, her phone would have blown up a lot in the beginning of the week, but it was nice to have friends supporting me in my break!

i am always up for a challenge, especially one that will teach me a valuable lesson!

1 comment:

Malia said...

Bless you my sweet daughter, you are growing so much as a person & as a Daughter of the King..love you more than you could imagine.