Thursday, March 10, 2011

what are you doing for lent?

okay, so i didn't grow up giving something up for lent, but now that i understand the meaning/relevance behind it, some years i give it a try. so, this year, i have decided that i am really going to trust God and give up sleeping with my bedroom door shut every night. anyone who knows me, knows that my BIGGEST fear in life is that someone will break into my house while i am sleeping and attack me, shoot me, get me, whatever, so my theory on this, has always been to completely barricade myself in my room. here recently it has gotten so bad, that i move my jewelry amoire in front of my bedroom door at night... i figure, if i hear someone trying to get in and then the jewelry amoire goes down, i've got time to grab my wasp spray. (sidenote: i saw on some tv show or heard from a friend that wasp spray will blind someone and it sprays up to like 20 feet, so yes, it stays right by bedside.) yes, i embrace the fact that i may be a little paranoid and crazy.

so, for lent, i give up my fear... i fully trust that God will protect me. thanks to my friend casey-c, i made it through night one. i stayed at her house and the door to her bathroom and her bedroom stayed open. i jokingly said to her before we were going to bed, sure you don't want to open the window too, i mean, such an open/free space, haha.

tonight begins the real test, as i am at home, in my own house. the alarm is set, but the door is open. God can so do this with me. i've been sick with a cold and taking lots of tylenol cold pm anyway, so i am hoping i'll sleep right through my anxiety, haha.

i'll let you know how i am doing later on, and wouldn't you know there are 46 days until Easter, not just 40 this year... or maybe that is every year, but Easter Sunday, that door will be shut again:) goodnight yall!!!


Candice Craig said...

Kels- You are funny. If it makes you feel better, my husband not only shuts the door but also locks it "just in case" someone breaks into our house they can't get us. I think its silly but whatever. Makes the world go round! Love ya. Hope you are feeling better!

Kelsey said...

candice, it does make me feel better:) i have successfully slept with the door open twice, once i slept with the door shut (without locking it, haha). love you and i am feeling much better.