Thursday, March 24, 2011

waiting patiently

so, my friend candice called me last night (tuesday) and said, that i really needed to hear the message from sunday from my old church in raleigh. she said, it was all about waiting patiently in God's time, and that she immediately thought of me all throughout the message. you see, candice struggled for years waiting on God to send her her future husband, she went through a lot of duds to get to her prince charming, if you will (what can i say, i still have hope), but wow, did God ever so faithfully provide candice with a loving man of God. it really does encourage me to no end, that after many years of heartache for her, that she is now happily married.

don't get me wrong, i don't think that being married is the be all end all, i know that my God created me specifically for a purpose. i know that my passion in life is to love God's children. i want to work with pediatric oncology or sick children, and i know that God has placed this desire in my heart. i am currently fulfilling that passion by volunteering with make a wish. i want to go on a mission trip, and i know that God is leading me in that direction. i will survive if i never get married, so please don't take this post as much pity party...however, i am human, and i truly do want to find someone and i want to be married and be a mom. i mean, after a while you start to wonder if you have been forgotten or if it will ever come, but the simple truth is you have to have FAITH. GOD IS ALWAYS FAITHFUL, HE DOESN'T EVER FORGET YOU.

so, after listening to this message tonight, i will apply the following five principles while waiting in general, but maybe more specifically in my case for my future husband:

1. God isn't late, but he does delay.
2. While you are waiting, forget your time table. In other words, he isn't in your appointment book, you are in HIS.
3. While you are waiting, ask God for strength and wisdom.
4. While you are waiting, resist the urge to manipulate or hurry the process. (Remember He is sovereign.)
5. While you are waiting, prepare that His answer may be no.

Mike, the pastor at Hope, challenged everyone to live by this quote at the end of his message:

"Attempt something so great for God that it is doomed to failure unless God is in it."


Candice Craig said...

Kels- I'm so glad you listened to Mike's message and glad you could take something away from it. I like all of the 5 points except #5. That one is a hard one to swallow. But I believe God has given you a passion and love of children for a reason so the answer to your question/request has got to be YES! I'll be rejoicing with you when His timing is revealed.

Kelsey said...

you are so right on #5. you are so right, He knows me better than i know myself, so i have to be faithful that because of that simple truth, he will give me the desires of my heart and we both know that number one on that list is to be a mom (and a wife). love you and thanks so much for telling me about the podcast.

Winter said...

I love this! Thank you for sharing this because it seems like a lot of us are waiting patiently these days. I will use this tips for sure!