Saturday, October 30, 2010

progress report: how am i doing on those resolutions so far?

1. Get out of debt, except my mortgage and student loans and save more. (Please note: I only have 5 car payments left, so that is one major accomplishment.) - Making lots of headway on this one.  Got out of credit card debt, except for a store card that I use.  Started a budget more recently, and now my goal is to start saving:)

2. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a very picky eater, so I will try a new food (healthy) each month. Casey-C, I will TRY sushi just for you:) [please note: credit is due to Holly, Bayley, and Michele: I tried sushi a few years ago, oh what joy, haha... they have attempted to get me to break out of the normal foods I eat, but the sushi attempt failed.] - I have really taken this one to a whole new level, surprised myself.  It will be getting a whole blog entry all by itself.  I can't wait to show you some of the pictures.  I have amazing friends who have been so supportive and cheered me on:)

3. After losing weight in 2009, in 2010, I will tone up and utilize my gym membership I pay for:) - I really challenged myself and worked out with my friend Emily for a few months, which was so challenging, but so much fun to be able to work out with her.  In addition, I have found that I enjoy spin, athletic conditioning, strength and stability.  I absolutely love pilates, so I think I am doing okay, needs improvement. 

4. I will learn to run, sounds stupid, but I actually hate it, but Cheryl wants to train for a 1/2 marathon and I will train with friends so it will keep me motivated:) Whitney has this plan all outlined, and I am trying my best to follow it:) Ask Holly about how she used to have to all but drag my butt out of bed when we lived in Raleigh, 6 AM is early!  - Okay, so no I did not train for a half, I did learn to run a little better, but I think I learned, that running is not my thing.  Maybe I will try again next year, haha.
5. I will go to bed earlier. My normal bed time is 1 AM or later, so my goal is to get in bed by midnight or earlier each night. So far, it has been 1 or 2 AM, not doing so good. - Yeah, still not much improvement in this area.  I would say on any given night it is between 12-1.  I am still working on it and praying that God will help me surrender my time to him, so that maybe I will get a grasp on this issue.

6. I will get up and do my quiet time in the morning, instead of doing it at night, which should help with #5, haha. Also, memorize more bible verses:) - For a few months I was doing really well, but lately, I have fallen back into the trap of doing it at night... since you can see I haven't had much success with #5, clearly this one didn't stand much of a chance.

7. I want to let go of my fear and trust God to go on a mission trip overseas. If you know me, you are probably laughing because you know not having air conditioner would be a challenge in general. - I signed up, paid my $120, and was ready to go to Senegal, but the trip was canceled.  I am not going to lie, this was very discouraging, but I am fully trusting God that if He wants me to go on a mission trip, He will let me know.  I will be obedient.

8. Continue to pursue my goal of going back to nursing school; with God all things are possible. I would love to work in pediatric oncology; sounds morbid to most, but I feel like God has given me this passion and to know that I am helping them would be a-mazing. - Clearly in this economy a mortgage means you are more than likely locked into your current address.  I am pretty content in my current job, so instead I have taken on more wish kids.  I absolutely love volunteering, and that has helped with my passion; I can be patient:)

9. Learn to play a sport ( I am laughing at myself here), I do not have an athletic bone in my body. I enjoy trying new things, however, too many people are competitive and that is intimidating... maybe one day this year? I would play for fun any day, but we will see... - Yeah, haven't touched this one at all, haha.

10. Go on more fun trips with my friends (weekend beach trips, charleston, florida... no limitations, wherever we would like to go). - We went to Charleston for the women's retreat, I went to the beach for a few days, and we recently went to the state fair... next year I hope I can go on a few more!!!

11. Do something nice or a random act of kindness for a stranger each week. Help the poor, cook a meal for a sick person, and the key is do this without recognition. - The key to this one is without recognition, I continue to try:)

12. Take one of my friend Emily's exercise classes. I will drag Kasey-K with me, Emily:) She totally thinks we forgot that it was in her box, haha. - Well, I get a 50 on this one... I worked out with Em lots this year, but I guess Kasey just threw that slip away from her 30 things to do before she turned 30, haha.

13. Let someone else plan something, and not get stressed out about it:) Tried this is 2009, didn't work out so well. - There have been events in which I was not the only planner and they have turned out great, this resolution would be more pointed towards my friends from home, and I would say, the only thing I can think of is I let Lindsey take over a photo project for Crystal's engagement party and I didn't do anything for it... that was good for me, haha.  What can I say, I love to plan.
14. Remind myself daily that God created me in his image as a beautiful creation, I don't have to be a size 0, 2, 4, and tell myself that as Casey-C recently told me, I am "smokin' hottness" (love it). HAVE CONFIDENCE!!! It is attractive. - Always a work in progress.  I have a letter that my friend Lica gave me at the women's retreat and it helps.  I have the most encouraging friends, and I love each and everyone of them for their reminders and encouragement:)

15. Learn to say no, sometimes. - Getting better at it.
16. Learn to cook with the help of my domestic friends, haha. Also ties into #2. [Kasey-K this applies to you, I need help.] - Yeah, I feel as though I need to go take a local cooking class.  Kelsey = clueless in the kitchen, honestly it is quite comical.  I have been trying to eat at home more, just don't ask about the meals.  They are like so easy it isn't even funny.
17. Go to a Bobcats Game. I live in Charlotte; I have no excuse. P.S. Many previous Carolina basketball players play for them, I need to see them play. - Did this, woohoo in January/February timeframe.  It was Make A Wish night too, so some of the proceeds went to MAW:)
18. Have more game nights, I mean, they are so fun:) - We've had a few, but not recently.  We should do one soon.

19. Read more and in turn watch less TV. I'll take suggestions, but don't overwhelm me, as I am a slow reader, haha. - I have tried to cut back on TV and read more, I did really good for a while, but reading is a challenge for me.  It has to really catch my attention.  I did read Captivating and Redeeming Love this year, haha... there are a few others, but these stand out:)
20. Journals - Update them more often, I have so many, but forget to update them daily, so maybe committing to write in them weekly for sure. - I still have a lot, and I update whenever I get a chance. 
21. Only go to the mall when I actually NEED something, serioulsy, the shopping is out of control.
21a. Only go to TARGET with a list, haha.... Need I say more. - In October, this month, I challenged myself not to buy anything that wasn't an absolute need, I had no idea how addicted to shopping I was until then.  Working on that budget, will get back to you on this one.

22. Use coupons more. This could help with the getting out of debt sooner. Jillian K. what is that website you told us about? - Oh, this one has been so much fun... from triple coupons, super double coupons, and e-Vic specials... oh wait, i just discovered bloom and all their coupon deals and fancy scanners, seriously this is so much fun and saves me a ton of money!!!

23. Give more to my make a wish kids, what a blessing they are to my life:) - I love them and it brings joy to my heart to volunteer for such a great organization.  The kids are wonderful; I wish I could do so much more.

24. Make turkey and dressing this year, I don't know if my family will let me, so maybe I can do this for my friends before the holidays. - Lindsey and I just discussed how we should do this and how fun it would be.. maybe it will happen.

25. Make myself a dress, seriously, I recently learned the basics of sewing, so this will happen:) - I have the whole week off next week, maybe I will make Savannah a dress or something, not myself, haha, what was I picking.

26. Learn how to knit. Oh, how these last two make me sound like I am 90, haha. - Casey-C has taken on a new hobbie, so maybe she can teach me.
27. Dance more. - Going to 8-9 weddings, I have definitely danced a lot, but loved every single minute of it:)

28. LOVE GOD MORE:)- I need to love Him more each day.

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