Monday, June 1, 2009

what not to do

so, sunday i was at the lake with friends, and i surely didn't want to leave, but as you know it, i had to fly out - one of my sites is being audited = no fun. i had a flight to catch at 8pm to salisbury, maryland. i knew i had a good 3.5 to 4 hour drive ahead of me to get back to charlotte, so off i go around 12:30ish from the lake. i finally make it to my house around 4:30 - what a long drive by yourself. HAVE I MENTIONED THAT I HATE DRIVING BY MYSELF? could it be more boring, haha. i am thinking, oh my gosh, i have to pack and get to my grandfather's to see him before i leave, how do i do all this. (oh a day in my life, haha.)

so, i pack up my stuff and get done by like 5ish on the dot, head out to lincolnton (a 30 min drive) and get to Pop's around 5:30pm and to my surprise my daddy is there too, woohoo. i get to see my dad and grandfather in one trip. pop had some items he wanted me to look over, and we chatted about my fun weekend at the lake, and before i knew it was 6:26pm, YIKES - get to the airport. so, i hop back in the car and book it to the airport. i had to get to the us airways counter by 7:15pm to check my bag. when i get to the business vallet location, the shuttle driver is MIA -what the heck. of all times, could they find someone else, i am flipping out. my watch says 7:09 pm. so, finally here comes this old man (who apparently had to use the bathroom - i mean, you can't blame the poor man) walking slow as ever... i basically beg him to speed to get us to the counter. i think i got to the counter at 7:12pm, whew, just under the deadline.

so, i made it to salisbury, md safely last night (not after some rocky turbulence - more than normal), but nothing i can't handle - i slept through most of it.

i'm in salisbury til wednesday. i come home wednesday night, then off to jacksonville thursday during the day. friday is brad paisley, woohoo, then saturday is joy's wedding - busy busy, but i wouldn't have it any other way!!!

1 comment:

Malia said...

ok time for another update girl