Saturday, December 8, 2012

update::30 things in my 30th year

so, if i updated it in blue, that means i think i can cross it off, if it is red, not so much....

so for the past few years, i have made a list of things to do with the amount of things to do correlating to the age i turn that year.  the first two years, i did pretty good, but for some reason last year i didn't to well.  this year, i debated not doing a list, but let's face it, i turn 30 this year and i want to have a fun list, a list with small things that i can do to make myself a better version of me, and i am going to really try hard to do these things.  i have been reading lots of devotions from proverbs 31 ministries, from streams of the desert, and from made to crave, and know that i can so do this with the help from the Creator of everything, My Heavenly Father:)  so, some of these may be repeats, others will be knew, but regardless, i don't want to look back and think that life passed me by... you only get one and i want to know that I spent my days on this earth, drawing closer to God, having fun with friends, helping/serving others, not working all the time, and being the best version of myself!  here's to my 30th year of life being the best yet!

1. reading the Bible - i'm going to be real honest here, reading is so not fun to me, no matter what it is, so instead of trying to be like everyone else, i am going to do what is best for me.  i am going to focus on small amounts and really pray and focus on those.  i've really got to work on not comparing/worrying what other people think.  if anyone has reading plans for the Bible that are SMALL, short passages at a time, i am so for that, send them my way. good news, i am reading the the kids storybook bible, and it is fantastic, adults will like it too... works for me and on my level, but still working on reading my Bible more

2. make my bed each day - why is this on my list every year, but so far in 2012, every day that i have been home, i have made my day, so we are on the right track, haha - i'll give myself a failing grade on this one, but i work from home, live by myself and no one is ever here, it doesn't matter, but the rest of my house is spotless, haha

3. learn to sew - i met a girl at church who knows how, so hopefully one saturday, i can pay her to teach me, i hope she has a lot of patience, things do not come easy to this girl. maybe one day, can't seem to find the right person to teach me.  my friend christine tried, but we never finished up.  in fact, my sewing machine is still there.

4. go hiking and spend some time outdoors - for this somewhat girly girl, most of you are probably laughing, God created a beautiful world and nature is pretty, so i think it would do me some good to get out and enjoy it!!!  my friend kase and i made a list of fun things to do in the next six months on new years day, and this made the list, so i think this will happen:) didn't really happen, but i am hopeful that i'll meet the man of my dreams soon and we can do this together, hahahaha.

5. food - i want to continue with my trying new foods and restaurants.  i have lived in charlotte for over three years now and there are several restaurants that i have not tried, so i want to try at least five new ones this year and five new foods.  i am going to cabo fish taco in two weeks, which i have wanted to go for a while, so we are already on our to a good start!!! - can't really think of a lot of specific foods i tried, but i did try some new restaurants::  cabo fish taco, crepe cellar, fern, cowfish, and i am sure there are others:)

6. serve in the local community more, plain and simple, just do it! - our church partners with greenway park, still volunteer with make a wish, and will continue to do as much as i can.

7. read more, let's face it, i said it before and everyone who knows me, knows this... i hate reading, but i have set a small goal to read 10 minutes a day, everyday.  so, the first book i am reading is 1000 gifts:) - i am going to stop putting this on any list, i don't like to do it, haha.

8. break the starbucks addiction, haha - who would have ever thought that i would be so addicted to coffee.  i got a keurig for christmas, so i am hoping this will help.  i am drinking more coffee at home.  new goal, $25/month at starbucks, I CAN DO THIS:) - according to the fact that i got 9 starbucks giftcards for my birthday, i'd say this would be a negative and i am okay with it.  i have found new drinks that cost less and have less calories... Sbux 1, Kelsey 0

9. i want to go ziplining.  seriously, love all things related to heights, not scared at all, so this has to happen this year! - still want to do this, so much

10. personal fitness goal::  lose 15 pounds. - this is a must for overall health and well-being:)

11. continue to get better at crocheting, i enjoy it but don't stop and sit still long enough to do it often enough... so improve, do more, and learn more patterns - needs improvement

12. be more focused in general, i get easily distracted.  i think one way to be more focused would be to turn the TV off and read, journal, pray, etc. i think in this fast paced world that we live, we all need to do this more

13. try to write daily in my peaks/pits/praise/prayers journal.  saw this on pinterest, and i love it!!! - i did good for six months, haha

14. cook more often.  i would save so much more if i broke down and cooked more and ate leftovers, so i will do this!!! - doesn't happen, i really just do not enjoy cooking

15. try a hot yoga class. - still need to do this, maybe i can squeeze it in before dec. 31

16. live expectantly.  i read a verse in my devotion the other night and it is so true.  "whatever you ask for in prayer, believe." mark 11:24 - need to remember this verse it is a GOOD one

17. i want to be a counselor at camp care this summer, now if i could get in touch with the right people.  hopefully this will happen.  i would still love to do this

18. be intentional about catching up with my friends who live in different cities (whitney - baltimore), (kelly - atlanta), (bay, holly, and michele - raleigh), (heather, kaleena, ashley, and candice - raleigh) (casey - raleigh) - life is busy, but that is no excuse as to why we shouldn't stay in touch.  i have seen my raleigh friends or more specifically my college friends more in the last three to four months than maybe i have combined since i moved to charlotte, for which i am thankful...candice is about to move, so i need to schedule some more time with her.  also, casey moved, so i don't get to see her nearly enough, but before she moved i got some quality time in there.  i need to see heather more as well:)  i wish i could schedule a trip up to baltimore to see whit, but her and hubby are busy remodeling like crazy:)

19. i've been in the same role at my company for almost five years, and i've been frustrated that i haven't gotten a promotion due to restructuring and the economy, but i want to have a better attitude and really work hard in my current role and see my studies through the end.  if and when God decides it is time for me to be promoted, i will be ready.  explore different positions that i may want to do in my company, as well. this one i can say i did and did so with hard work, i got a new position in site management, i am now a strategic site relationship manager at my company:) 

20. try something new, anything. -

21. i want to go to a shooting range and maybe get a gun for protection... goodness, my roots are showing and i love it:)  i will take a concealed weapons class and be educated, don't worry!  (pretty sure i am going to be able to talk lindsey jo into doing this one with me as well.) lindsey and i purchased a living social and we are going jan. 5th, so excited.  i am still looking into getting my concealed weapons permit and all that.

22. i want to go to the CMA awards in nashville for my 30th birthday.  i have already informed lindsey and crystal and they say they are on board, so we will see.  it is the one thing i want to do for my birthday:)  how awesome and fantastic would that be!!! - while i could not be more thankful for how awesome my birthday celebrations were, this one is probably the one that i am most sad that didn't happen.  if i had expendable incomes and lots of connections, maybe i could have made it happen, but it didn't happen.  i am hopeful that one day i can cross this off of my bucket list.

23. spend less and save more!  i got out of debt in 2010/early 2011, except for my student loans and my mortgage, so my big thing for this year to live by a budget and to SAVE money! - this is probably my biggest goal for 2013 as i want to buy a new car without financing

24. adopt/sponsor a child from a third world country, more than likely haiti and possibly from mission of hope, my church had the information one sunday and i didn't do it, but i have been praying about it and i need to do it:) - i sponsor jasmine, the little girl that has stolen my heart at cambry in les cayes, haiti.... i am praying about sponsoring one from MOH, the organization i just returned from in november this year

25. purge, i have a lot of stuff that i don't need, that others would be so blessed by.  i need to donate to people who need it:) - i have been purging a lot of my clothes to consignment, goodwill, or to people who need them and i had a yard sale for one of my haiti trips and that was a great way to purge

26. either go sky diving or on a hot air balloon ride:)  yes, i really want to do one of the two. - my mom and i did this for her birthday and my 30th, but we did it back in may, it was AWESOME to do something like this with my mother:)

27. learn to do a complete push up (weakest arms in life) - i am a lot stronger and proud of myself on this one, i can almost do a complete one not on my knees, huge ACCOMPLISHMENT for this weakling

28. crafting/DIY projects - one or two nights a month, take time to enjoy crafting and doing things i find on pinterest.   after all, it is cheaper and super cute! - haha, what was i thinking, i don't like to sit still, i like to be on the go

29. look into going back to Haiti or on another mission trip... really praying about this one and trying to figure out where God may want me to go. - well, pray about one and you may go on two, hehe... i went in July with Blessback and then in November with NCC:)

30. spend a weekend in the mountains, possibly go skiing, oh goodness this could be hilarious.  this is so happening, as we are going for Jillian's 30th, and i am so excited about a little mountain fun:) - i have been to the mountains three times this year and they have all been awesome trips with great friends, super thankful for these trips and great memories.

1 comment:

Candice Craig said...

Yes you need to come stay again & I'd so go to the CMA's!!!!